This project is financed by the
European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.


The Third Study Visit of Our Project was Organised to France Between 11-15 September 2023.
15 Eylül 2023

The Third Study Visit of Our Project was Organised to France Between 11-15 September 2023.

Personnel of the Ministry's central and provincial directorates, as well as the Contracting Authority's representative and project experts, participated in the study visit, which was organized to observe and evaluate the implementation of best...
Training of Trainers on the Good Agricultural Practices Code and Environmental Friendly Agricultural Practices was Held in Kızılcahamam.
03 Haziran 2023

Training of Trainers on the Good Agricultural Practices Code and Environmental Friendly Agricultural Practices was Held in Kızılcahamam.

In the training held between 3-10 June, the participants were informed about the code of good agricultural practices covering fertilizer management, nutrient management, land use, and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.Approximately 70...
Local Awareness Raising Meetings Started in İzmir
18 Mayıs 2023

Local Awareness Raising Meetings Started in İzmir

Nitrat Eylem Planları için İzleme ve Raporlama Metodolojisi Oluşturularak Tarımsal Kirliliğe Karşı Suların Korunması projesi kapsamında 25 nehir havzasında gerçekleştirilecek öncü çiftçilerin ve...
Our Field Day Events were Held in the Gediz Basin
16 Mayıs 2023

Our Field Day Events were Held in the Gediz Basin

Proje kapsamında pilot bölge olarak seçilen Gediz havzasında, Nitrata Hassas Bölgelerde yer alan iki farklı köyde iki çiftlik işletmesinde farklı iyi tarım uygulamaları yapıldı. Farklı uygulamaların ve...
We Examined the Practices We Made Before Our Farm Demonstrations Onsite
20 Ocak 2023

We Examined the Practices We Made Before Our Farm Demonstrations Onsite

Şubat sonunda gerçekleştireceğimiz Tarla günlerimiz ve çiftlik demonstrasyonlarımız öncesinde yaptığımız uygulamaları yerinde inceledik, çiftçilerimizle hazırlıklarla ilgili görüşmeler...
Training For Fertilizers, Fertilization and Land Management Practices
28 Kasım 2022

Training For Fertilizers, Fertilization and Land Management Practices

Project's Fertilizers, Fertilization and Land Management Practices Training was held at the Mirada Del Mar Hotel in Antalya from November 28 to December 2, 2022. Project Manager Pawel SUSNIAK, Head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's...
Poland Study Visit
18 Kasım 2022

Poland Study Visit

THE SECOND STUDY VISIT OF OUR PROJECT WAS HELD IN POLAND. The second study visit took place in Poland between November 14th and 18th 2022.The study visit delegation consisted of 23 people in total from the Beneficiary and the Contractor. With...
We Completed the First Work Visit
01 Ekim 2022

We Completed the First Work Visit

Danimarka ve İrlanda Çalışma Ziyaretleri, 26 Eylül -01 Ekim tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi.Projemiz kapsamında; Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı personelinin, nitrat eylem planlarının izlenmesi ve raporlanmasına ilişkin...
Farms have been visited in the Gediz Basin that  may be suitable fort he farm demonstrations and field days.
04 Temmuz 2022

Farms have been visited in the Gediz Basin that may be suitable fort he farm demonstrations and field days.

Demonstration studies have been conducted and identified farms for field days in villages located in Nitrate Sensitive Regions of the Gediz basin as part of our project. On July 4 and 5, 20 qualified farms visited in Manisa and Izmir to check they...
Protecting Waters Against Agricultural Pollution - National Conference
02 Haziran 2022

Protecting Waters Against Agricultural Pollution - National Conference

Stakeholder and Farmer Visits Were Initiated in 10 Selected Basins
01 Mayıs 2022

Stakeholder and Farmer Visits Were Initiated in 10 Selected Basins

Within the framework of our project, stakeholder and farmer visits were initiated in 10 selected basins with the goal of revealing the current situation of nitrate contamination in Turkey, including its technical, legal, and social elements. The...
Our Project’s Opening Event
24 Şubat 2022

Our Project’s Opening Event

The opening ceremony of the EU-supported ‘’Protection of Waters Against Agricultural Pollution Through Establishment of a Monitoring and Reporting Methodology for the Nitrate Action Plans Project-NEPIZ took place on 24 February 2022 in...
Izmir Workshop
21 Aralık 2021

Izmir Workshop

Projenin gelecek dönem faaliyetlerindeki iletişim ve işbirliğinin güçlendirilmesi amacıyla düzenlenen İzmir Çalıştayı 21 Aralık 2021 tarihinde gerçekleştirildi. Çalıştayda, proje faaliyetleri...
Project Kick-Off
18 Ekim 2021

Project Kick-Off

On October 18, 2021, we held our project kick-off meeting. In the opening of the meeting, on behalf of the contracting authority, Head of Operating Structure, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, Dr. İsmail Raci BAYER, on...